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Phlebotomy Training New Hyde Park NY

If a patient care career interests you, Phlebotomy training in New Hyde Park NY is for you!

Regardless of whether you sign-up for standard programs or online courses, you’ll be able to complete your instruction and become eligible to take the state certification examination in a matter of 4 to 12 months.

Phlebotomist Training and Criteria

Classes to become a Phlebotomist include a variety of prerequisites. You must meet the minimum age requirement, hold a high school diploma or equivalent, pass a drug test and pass a criminal background screening.

What’s Taught in Phlebotomy Schools?

There are some points you should consider when you’re prepared to choose between Phlebotomy training. Once you start looking around, you’ll find a lot of classes, but just what exactly should you really look for when deciding on phlebotomist? Phlebotomist program or school you finally choose has to be accredited by the New York State Board or the National Phlebotomy Association. Other things to explore can include:

  • Just how does the duration of the Phlebotomist program compare to other good training programs
  • What’s the school’s graduate effectiveness on the certification examination
  • See the training course’s forums to find out if anything seems to be peculiar

Will the State of New York Call for Phlebotomist Certification?

Unquestionably, Phlebotomy Technician certification is essential for all aspiring Phlebotomy Technician, which comes straight from the National Phlebotomy Association. Also, the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians controls a federal registry that a working Phlebotomy Technician has to be shown on to lawfully work as an aide. Work eligibility, better pay, and much more are available to you when you become credentialed and listed.

Phlebotomy Technician Jobs in New Hyde Park NY

We do not need to tell you that the demand for Phlebotomy Technician in New York continues to grow yearly per O*Net Online. A rapidly-aging population coupled with new changes in the country’s healthcare system could lead to an increase in the number of additional positions for licensed people by 2020. For individuals who would like to start working as a certified phlebotomy tech in New Hyde Park NY, obviously the rising demand is very much to your benefit.

Pick Your Program and Find Success!

Thanks to the information we now have supplied, you should be ready to select your Phlebotomy training!

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New York Department of Health

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